This document explains how you can track the status of jobs by either making status requests to the CMS API or by using Dynamic Ingest API notifications. We also provide a sample dashboard app that automates the process
Note that the status of ingest jobs is available only for jobs submitted with the past 7 days.
Requesting status
You get the status of dynamic ingest jobs (ingest, replace, or retranscode) using these CMS API endpoints - note that these endpoints works for Dynamic Delivery jobs only:
Get status for all jobs{{account_id}}/videos/{{video_id}}/ingest_jobs
The response will look something like this:
"id": "ac49b1db-e6e1-477f-a2c1-70b9cd3107cb",
"state": "finished",
"account_id": "57838016001",
"video_id": "5636411346001",
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null,
"updated_at": "2017-11-07T13:56:51.505Z",
"started_at": "2017-11-07T13:56:12.510Z",
"priority": "normal",
"submitted_at": "2017-11-07T13:56:12.435Z"
"id": "10605652-8b6f-4f22-b190-01bd1938677b",
"state": "processing",
"account_id": "57838016001",
"video_id": "5636411346001",
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null,
"updated_at": null,
"started_at": null,
"priority": "low",
"submitted_at": "2017-11-07T14:06:35.000Z"
Get status for a specific jobs{{account_id}}/videos/{{video_id}}/ingest_jobs/{job_id}
The response will look something like this:
"id": "ac49b1db-e6e1-477f-a2c1-70b9cd3107cb",
"state": "finished",
"account_id": "57838016001",
"video_id": "5636411346001",
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null,
"updated_at": "2017-11-07T13:56:51.505Z",
"started_at": "2017-11-07T13:56:12.510Z",
"priority": "normal",
"submitted_at": "2017-11-07T13:56:12.435Z"
The possible values for state
: processing, video is not playable yetpublishing
: at least one playable rendition has been created, and the video is being readied for playbackpublished
: at least one rendition is a available for playbackfinished
: at least one audio/video rendition has been processedfailed
: processing failed; if you are not able to figure out what went wrong, contact Support
Getting notifications
While the request status method discussed above works, if you are waiting for a particular state (published
or finished
), it is better to let Brightcove notify
you when these events occur rather than have to keep asking for the status until you get the answer you are
looking for. We will now look at how you might build an app around handling notifications.
The Dynamic Ingest notifications give you all the information you need to know when your video is ready - you just need to know what to look for...and to define what "ready" means for your systems. This diagram summarizes the workflow:
Dynamic Ingest Notifications
The Dynamic Ingest notification service sends you notifications for several kinds of events. The two that are most useful for figuring out when the video is "ready" are ones indicating that particular renditions have been created and the one that indicates that all processing is complete. Here are examples of each:
Dynamic rendition created notification
"entity": "default/video3800",
"entityType": "DYNAMIC_RENDITION",
"version": "1",
"action": "CREATE",
"jobId": "d3ef8751-2b88-4141-95d5-83f0393aca07",
"videoId": "5660367449001",
"dynamicRenditionId": "default\/video3800",
"bitrate": 3804,
"width": 1920,
"height": 1080,
"accountId": "57838016001",
"status": "SUCCESS"
Note in this example:
- The
value lets you know which video the rendition is for (in case you have multiple ingest jobs running) - The
value is the dynamic rendition type created - if the
value is "SUCCESS", the rendition was created successfully
Processing complete notification
"entity": "5660367449001",
"entityType": "TITLE",
"version": "1",
"action": "CREATE",
"jobId": "d3ef8751-2b88-4141-95d5-83f0393aca07",
"videoId": "5660367449001",
"accountId": "57838016001",
"status": "SUCCESS"
Note in this example:
- The
values let you know which video this is for (in case you have multiple ingest jobs running) - If the
value is "SUCCESS", the video was processed successfully
To receive notifications, you need to include a "callbacks" field in you Dynamic Ingest API requests, pointing to one or more callback addresses:
"master": {
"url": ""
}, "profile": "multi-platform-extended-static",
"callbacks": ["https://host1/path1”, “https://host2/path2”]
Sample Dashboard
This section explains how notifications can be put together to build a simple dashboard for the Dynamic Ingest API. The handler for notifications parses notifications from the Dynamic Ingest API to identify processing complete notifications. It then adds the video notifications into an array of objects for each video in a JSON file. The dashboard itself is an HTML page that imports the JSON file to get the notification data. It uses the ids to makes a request to the CMS API to get the video metadata.
Here is the high-level architecture of the app:
The app parts
The handler for notifications is built in PHP - it looks for processing complete notifications and adds the video id to an array in a separate JavaScript file:
// POST won't work for JSON data
$problem = "No errors";
try {
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$decoded = json_decode($json, true);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$problem = $e->getMessage();
echo $problem;
// full notification
$notification = json_encode($decoded, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
// Begin by extracting the useful parts of the notification
// for Dynamic Delivery, look for 'videoId'
if (isset($decoded["videoId"])) {
$videoId = $decoded["videoId"];
} elseif (isset($decoded["entity"])) {
$videoId = $decoded["entity"];
} else {
$videoId = null;
if (isset($decoded["entityType"])) {
$entityType = $decoded["entityType"];
} else {
$entityType = null;
if (isset($decoded["status"])) {
$status = $decoded["status"];
} else {
$status = null;
if (isset($decoded["action"])) {
$action = $decoded["action"];
} else {
$action = null;
// if notification is for completed title, act
if (($entityType == 'TITLE') && ($action == 'CREATE')) {
if (($status == 'SUCCESS') || ($status == 'FAILED')) {
$newLine = "\nvideoIdArray.unshift(".$videoId.");";
// Tell PHP where it can find the log file and tell PHP to open it
// and add the string we created earlier to it.
$logFileLocation = "video-ids.js";
$fileHandle = fopen($logFileLocation, 'a') or die("-1");
chmod($logFileLocation, 0777);
fwrite($fileHandle, $newLine);
// save full notification for audit trail
$logEntry = $notification.",\n";
$logFileLocation = "full-log.txt";
$fileHandle = fopen($logFileLocation, 'a') or die("-1");
chmod($logFileLocation, 0777);
fwrite($fileHandle, $logEntry);
echo "Dynamic Ingest callback app is running";
JSON file:
The JSON file is initially an empty array ( []
) - data is added by the notification
The dashboard includes the HTML and JavaScript to fetch the notification data and additional video data from the CMS API and write the results into a table:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Dynamic Ingest Log</title>
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
margin: 5em;
.hide {
display: none;
.show {
display: block;
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 1px #999999 solid;
th {
background-color: #666666;
color: #f5f5f5;
padding: .5em;
font-size: .7em;
td {
border: 1px #999999 solid;
font-size: .7em;
padding: .5em
.hidden {
display: none;
<h1>Dynamic Ingest Log</h1>
<h2>Account: Brightcove Learning (57838016001)</h2>
<p style="width:70%">
Videos are listed in order of processing completion time, newest to oldest. The reference id (generated by the
<a href="./di-tester.html">Dynamic Ingest tester</a>) is a combination of the date/time that the
Dynamic Ingest job was initiated and the ingest profile that was used. You can add additional videos using the
<a href="./di-tester.html">Dynamic Ingest tester</a>. New videos will appear in this log after
processing is complete.
<button id="clearLogBtn">Clear the log</button>
<div id="videoLogBlock">
<th>Video ID</th>
<th>Reference ID</th>
<th>Renditions Created</th>
<th>Processing Complete</th>
<tbody id="logBody"></tbody>
<h4 id="loadingMessage">Loading data, please wait...</h4>
var BCLS = ( function (window, document) {
// to use another account, set the account_id value appropriately
// the client_id and client_secret will also need to be changed in the proxy
var my_account_id = 57838016001,
account_id = my_account_id,
logBody = document.getElementById('logBody'),
loadingMessage = document.getElementById('loadingMessage'),
clearLogBtn = document.getElementById('clearLogBtn'),
i = 0,
// set the proxyURL to the location of the proxy app that makes Brightcove API requests
proxyURL = './brightcove-learning-proxy.php',
dataFileURL = './di.json',
videoDataArray = [],
requestOptions = {},
currentIndex = 0;
* tests for all the ways a variable might be undefined or not have a value
* @param {*} x the variable to test
* @return {Boolean} true if variable is defined and has a value
function isDefined(x) {
if ( x === '' || x === null || x === undefined || x === NaN) {
return false;
return true;
* find index of an object in array of objects
* based on some property value
* @param {array} targetArray - array to search
* @param {string} objProperty - object property to search
* @param {string|number} value - value of the property to search for
* @return {integer} index of first instance if found, otherwise returns null
function findObjectInArray(targetArray, objProperty, value) {
var i, totalItems = targetArray.length, objFound = false;
for (i = 0; i < totalItems; i++) {
if (targetArray[i][objProperty] === value) {
objFound = true;
return i;
if (objFound === false) {
return null;
* factory for new video objects
* @param {String} videoId the video id
* @return {object} the new object
function makeVideoDataObject(videoId) {
var obj = {}; = videoId; = '';
obj.reference_id = '';
obj.renditions = 0;
obj.complete = 'no';
return obj;
* processes notification objects
* creates a new object in the videoDataArray if it doesn't exist
* and updates the videoDataArray object based on the notification
* @param {Object} notificationObj the raw notification object
function processNotification(notificationObj) {
var objIndex, videoObj;
// if notification object contains a video id, find the corresponding
// object in the videoDataArray or create it if it's not there
if (isDefined(notificationObj) && isDefined(notificationObj.videoId)) {
objIndex = findObjectInArray(videoDataArray, 'id', notificationObj.videoId);
// if not found, create one
if (!isDefined(objIndex)) {
videoObj = makeVideoDataObject(notificationObj.videoId);
objIndex = videoDataArray.length - 1;
// now update properties based on what's in the notification
if (notificationObj.entityType === 'DYNAMIC_RENDITION') {
// increment the renditions account
} else if (notificationObj.entityType === 'TITLE') {
// overall processing notification - checked for SUCCESS / FAILED
if (notificationObj.status === 'SUCCESS') {
// mark complete
videoDataArray[objIndex].complete = 'yes';
} else if (notificationObj.status === 'FAILED') {
// mark failed
videoDataArray[objIndex].complete = 'failed';
* creates the dashboard table body
function writeReport() {
var j,
jMax = videoDataArray.length,
loadingMessage.textContent = 'This page will refresh in 1 minute...';
for (j = 0; j < jMax; j++) {
item = videoDataArray[j];
if ( !== undefined) {
logBody.innerHTML += '<tr><td>' + + '</td><td>' + +
'</td><td>' + item.reference_id + '</td><td>' + item.renditions +
'</td><td>' + item.complete + '</td></tr>';
// set timeout for refresh
t = window.setTimeout(init, 60000);
// function to set up the notification data request
function setJSONRequestOptions() {
submitRequest(null, dataFileURL, 'notificationData');
// function to set up video data request
function setVideoRequestOptions() {
requestOptions = {};
requestOptions.url = '' + account_id + '/videos/' +;
submitRequest(requestOptions, proxyURL, 'video');
* initiates the CMS API requests
function getVideoInfo() {
iMax = videoDataArray.length;
if (currentIndex < iMax) {
currentVideo = videoDataArray[currentIndex];
} else {
loadingMessage.innerHTML = 'No videos have been ingested - you can add some using the <a
href="./di-tester.html">Dynamic Ingest tester</a>';
* make the CMS API requests
* @param {Object} options request options
* @param (String) url URL to send request to
* @param (String) type the request type
function submitRequest(options, url, type) {
var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(),
getResponse = function () {
try {
if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {
if (httpRequest.status === 200) {
responseData = httpRequest.responseText;
switch (type) {
case 'notificationData':
var k, kMax, dataArray;
dataArray = JSON.parse(responseData);
// process the notifications
kMax = dataArray.length;
for (k = 0; k < kMax; k++) {
case 'video':
parsedData = JSON.parse(responseData);
videoDataArray[currentIndex].reference_id = parsedData.reference_id;
videoDataArray[currentIndex].name =;
if (currentIndex < iMax) {
currentVideo = videoDataArray[currentIndex];
} else {
} else {
console.log('There was a problem with the request. Request returned '', httpRequest.status);
if (type === 'video') {
} else {
catch(e) {
console.log('Caught Exception: ', e);
// notifications data is a special case
if (type === 'notificationData') {
// set response handler
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = getResponse;
// open the request"GET", url);
// set headers
httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
// open and send request
} else {
// requests via proxy
// set up request data
requestData = "url=" + encodeURIComponent(options.url) + "&requestType=GET";
// set response handler
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = getResponse;
// open the request"POST", url);
// set headers
httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// open and send request
// event handlers
clearLogBtn.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (window.confirm('Are you sure? This action cannot be undone!')) {
// if your clear-log app resides in another location, change the URL
window.location.href = 'clear-log.php';
// get things started
function init() {
// clear table and the video data array
logBody.innerHTML = "";
videoDataArray = [];
// kick off the app
})(window, document);
* brightcove-learning-proxy.php - proxy for Brightcove RESTful APIs
* gets an access token, makes the request, and returns the response
* Accessing:
* URL:
* (note you should *always* access the proxy via HTTPS)
* Method: POST
* @post {string} url - the URL for the API request
* @post {string} [requestType=GET] - HTTP method for the request
* @post {string} [requestBody=null] - JSON data to be sent with write requests
* @returns {string} $response - JSON response received from the API
// CORS entablement
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
// set up request for access token
$data = array();
// change the values below to use this proxy with a different account
$client_id = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE";
$client_secret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE";
$auth_string = "{$client_id}:{$client_secret}";
$request = "";
$ch = curl_init($request);
curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
CURLOPT_USERPWD => $auth_string,
'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
$response = curl_exec($ch);
// Check for errors
if ($response === FALSE) {
// Decode the response
$responseData = json_decode($response, TRUE);
$access_token = $responseData["access_token"];
// set up the API call
// get data
if ($_POST["requestBody"]) {
$data = json_decode($_POST["requestBody"]);
} else {
$data = array();
// get request type or default to GET
if ($_POST["requestType"]) {
$method = $_POST["requestType"];
} else {
$method = "GET";
// get the URL and authorization info from the form data
$request = $_POST["url"];
//send the http request
$ch = curl_init($request);
curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
'Content-type: application/json',
"Authorization: Bearer {$access_token}",
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($data)
$response = curl_exec($ch);
// Check for errors
if ($response === FALSE) {
echo "Error: "+$response;
// Decode the response
// $responseData = json_decode($response, TRUE);
// return the response to the AJAX caller
echo $response;
Clear the log
This simple PHP app just restores the JavaScript file to its original state, clearing out the old video ids:
$logFileLocation = "di.json";
$freshContent = array ();
$encodedContent = json_encode($freshContent);
file_put_contents($logFileLocation, $encodedContent);
echo 'Log file cleared - <a href="di-log.html">go back to the dashboard</a>';