Video Cloud SSAI API

In this topic, you will learn how to use the Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) API to create and manage ad configurations.

Ad Configurations define various aspects of SSAI playback, including ad call(s), beacons, and other configuration options. An account can have multiple configurations and currently configurations cannot be shared across accounts.

General information

The following information pertains to all SSAI API requests.

Base URL

The base URL for the SSAI API is:

Account path

In all cases, requests will be made for a specific Video Cloud Account. So, you will always add the term accounts followed by your account id to the base URL: account id


Authentication for requests requires an Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer your access token

The access_token is a temporary OAuth2 access token that must be obtained from the Brightcove OAuth service. For details on how to obtain client credentials and use them to retrieve access tokens, see the Authentication for Brightcove API Requests.


When you request client credentials, you will need to specify the type of account access or operations that you want. The following is a list of the currently supported operations for the SSAI API:

  • SSAI data:


Manage ad configurations

The API supports the following GET and PUT requests:

List ad configurations

List the ad configurations defined for an account.

Method GET
URL account id/ssai_configs
Headers Authorization: Bearer your access token
Content-Type: application/json

Sample response:

    "name": "VMAP Ad Server",
    "vmap_response_namespace": "bc",
    "config_id": "2ecc6beb-d6a4-4deb-a78e-37ac27e0f883",
    "account_id": "57838016001",
    "created_timestamp": "2017-07-24T19:28:34.976878586Z",
    "updated_timestamp": "2017-07-24T19:28:34.976878586Z",
    "ad_config": {
      "expected_ad_response": "dfp_ad_rules",
      "disable_server_beacons": false,
      "template_url": {
          "template": "{{ system.ip_address }}&vid={{ metadata.video_id }}&ppid={{ system.unique_user_id }}&p_vmap={{ url.p_vmap }}"

For field definitions, see the Configuration field details section.

Create an ad configuration

Create an ad configuration for an account.

Method POST
URL account id/ssai_configs
Headers Authorization: Bearer your access token
Content-Type: application/json

Sample Body:

  "name": "VMAP Ad Server",
  "vmap_response_namespace": "bc",
  "ad_tracking_sample_percentage": 100,
  "ad_config": {
    "expected_ad_response": "vast_3_0",
    "disable_server_beacons": false,
    "round_up_cue_points": false,
    "template_url": {
      "template": "{{ system.ip_address }}&vid={{ metadata.video_id }}&ppid={{ system.unique_user_id }}&p_vmap={{ url.p_vmap }}"
  "discontinuities": {
    "hls": [ "*" ]

For field definitions, see the Configuration field details section.


  • ad_tracking_sample_percentage determines the percentage of sessions that will be logged. It can any value from 0 (disable logging) to 100 (log all sessions).

Get ad configuration details

For an account, get the ad configuration details by config Id.

Method GET
URL account id/ssai_configs/your ad config id
Headers Authorization: Bearer your access token
Content-Type: application/json
Sample response:
    "name": "VMAP Ad Server",
    "vmap_response_namespace": "bc",
    "config_id": "2ecc6beb-d6a4-4deb-a78e-37ac27e0f883",
    "account_id": "57838016001",
    "created_timestamp": "2017-07-24T19:28:34.976878586Z",
    "updated_timestamp": "2017-07-24T19:28:34.976878586Z",
    "ad_tracking_sample_percentage": 100,
    "ad_config": {
      "expected_ad_response": "dfp_ad_rules",
      "disable_server_beacons": false,
      "template_url": {
          "template": "{{ system.ip_address }}&vid={{ metadata.video_id }}&ppid={{ system.unique_user_id }}&p_vmap={{ url.p_vmap }}"
    "beacon_templates": [
          "type": "content_start",
          "template_url": {
            "template": "{{metadata.video_id}}/load?position=load&sid={{system.xfp.unique_user_id}}&jid={{metadata.video_id}}&rnd32={{sytem.random_number_32}}&bid={{system.uuid}}&t={{system.timestamp_utc}}&ua={{system.user_agent}}&ip={{system.ip_address}}&ref={{system.referer}}"
          "type": "content_midpoint",
          "template_url": {
            "template": "{{metadata.video_id}}/load?position=load&sid={{system.xfp.unique_user_id}}&jid={{metadata.video_id}}&rnd32={{sytem.random_number_32}}&bid={{system.uuid}}&t={{system.timestamp_utc}}&ua={{system.user_agent}}&ip={{system.ip_address}}&ref={{system.referer}}"
          "type": "ad_start",
          "template_url": {
            "template": "{{metadata.video_id}}/load?position=load&sid={{system.xfp.unique_user_id}}&jid={{metadata.video_id}}&rnd32={{sytem.random_number_32}}&bid={{system.uuid}}&t={{system.timestamp_utc}}&ua={{system.user_agent}}&ip={{system.ip_address}}&ref={{system.referer}}"
          "type": "content_complete",
          "template_url": {
            "template": "{{metadata.video_id}}/load?position=load&sid={{system.xfp.unique_user_id}}&jid={{metadata.video_id}}&rnd32={{sytem.random_number_32}}&bid={{system.uuid}}&t={{system.timestamp_utc}}&ua={{system.user_agent}}&ip={{system.ip_address}}&ref={{system.referer}}"
      "discontinuities": {
        "dash": [
        "hls": [
      "extend_beacon_guard_ttl": true

For field definitions, see the Configuration field details section.

Update an ad configuration

Update an ad configuration by config Id.

Method PUT
URL account id/ssai_configs/your ad config id
Headers Authorization: Bearer your access token
Content-Type: application/json
Sample Body
    "name": "VMAP Ad Server - updated"
Sample response:
    "name": "VMAP Ad Server - updated",
    "vmap_response_namespace": "bc",
    "config_id": "2ecc6beb-d6a4-4deb-a78e-37ac27e0f883",
    "account_id": "57838016001",
    "created_timestamp": "2017-07-24T19:28:34.976878586Z",
    "updated_timestamp": "2017-07-24T19:28:34.976878586Z",
    "ad_config": {
      "expected_ad_response": "dfp_ad_rules",
      "disable_server_beacons": false,
      "template_url": {
        "template": "{{ system.ip_address }}&vid={{ metadata.video_id }}&ppid={{ system.unique_user_id }}&p_vmap={{ url.p_vmap }}"

For field definitions, see the Configuration field details section.

Configuration field details

This table defines the ad configuration fields used within the body section of a request.

Field Type Description
name String Human readable name
vmap_response_namespace String Adjusts the VMAP output to use the legacy Unicorn Once namespace format or to use the new Brightcove namespace format.

Values: uo, bc Default: bc
description String Human readable description
ad_config.expected_ad_response String Which tech to use to parse the response. [1]

  • dfp_ad_rules
  • dfp_vmap
  • smart_xml
  • vast_3_0
For details, see the Ad response types section.
ad_config.disable_server_beacons Boolean Flags whether to disable the server side firing of ad impressions/beacons

When set to true, SSAI will not fire any beacons server-side and will include all beacons in the VMAP output

When set to false, SSAI will fire the beacons it is able to server-side and include any it is not able to in the VMAP output
ad_config.round_up_cue_points Boolean Flags whether to round up to the next keyframe when choosing a nearby position for inserting ads.

Default: false, which chooses the closest keyframe to the desired ad position.
ad_config.template_url.template String Ad tag template. Available variables described in a later section.
ad_config.template_url.defaults Object Map of String to String defining the default to use in the case where a url param is not provided.

Can be a literal { "": "SomeString" }

Or reference another variable { "": "{{ metadata.title_id }}" }
ad_tracking_sample_percentage integer This value determines the percentage of sessions that will be logged. It can any value from 0 (disable logging) to 100 (log all sessions). A value of 0 disables logs entirely.

Default: 0

Values: [ 0 .. 100 ]
beacon_templates Array An array of beacons to fire (example: 3rd-party beacons)
beacon_templates[].type String

Type of beacon to fire. Values:

  • content_start
  • content_first_quartile
  • content_midpoint
  • content_third_quartile
  • content_complete
  • content_quartiles
  • content_interval
  • ad_start
  • ad_first_quartile
  • ad_midpoint
  • ad_third_quartile
  • ad_complete
  • ad_quartiles
  • ad_break_start
  • ad_break_end
  • segment_start
  • segment_end
  • on_load
beacon_templates[].template_url.template String Beacon URL template
discontinuities.dash [2] []String Controls which versions of dash to deliver Multi Period Dash manifests.

Set to ["*"] to deliver multi-period dash for all versions

Empty list for never

Example: ["live-timeline"] to deliver for live-timeline but not for hbbtv
discontinuities.hls [2] []String Controls which versions of hls to deliver with discontinuities.

Set to ["*"] to delivery with discontinuities in all versions of HLS

Empty list for never

Example: ["v4","v5"] to deliver for v4 & v5 but not for v3
extend_beacon_guard_ttl Boolean Sets the length of the Beacon Guard TTL (Time to live) to the length of the Content’s Session TTL. Otherwise, the default is 1 minute.

Ad response types

Here is some additional information about working with ad_config.expected_ad_response types from the table above. Values:

Process flow

VOD SSAI Configurations
VOD SSAI Configurations

When creating SSAI ad configurations, keep in mind the following process notes:


If SSAI Config's Ad Response Type is DFP VMAP:

  • Any cue points configured with a video will be ignored.
  • SSAI parses the VMAP XML file from the ad provider which contains all the ads with their defined positions.


If SSAI Config's Ad Response Type is VAST 3.0:

  • Define cue points in your video. SSAI will make requests for each cue point in the video to construct ad breaks.
  • If no cue point is configured with a video, a preroll ad is inserted by default.

Ad variables

Variables in the template url are identified by double curly braces ({{ … }}) with optional whitespace before and after the variable path. All variables are prefixed by one of three namespaces:

System variables

System variables are provided by the SSAI system and can be information about the end user or helper variables to generate random values. The values must be URI-encoded before being inserted into the URL templates.

System variables are identified as: {{system.*}}

Field Description
ad.position_time The time in seconds of the Cue Point that triggered the ad request; Only available for the VAST ad response type
ip_address End User's IP Address
random_number_32 Random 32-bit integer
random_number_<min>_<max> Generates a random number between two numbers. The range accepted goes from 0 to the max value of UInt32. Only positive numbers are allowed, and the min has to be lower than the max
random_guid Random UUID
referer End User's Referer header value
timestamp_utc Current time as a unix timestamp
unique_user_id MD5(ip_address + user_agent)
unix_timestamp Current time as a unix timestamp (seconds)
user_agent End User's User-Agent header value
uuid Random uuid
x_forwarded_for End User's X-Forwarded-For header value
xfp.correlator Random 64-bit Integer Random 64-bit Integer

URL variables

Query Params provided on the entry point VMAP/Manifest are available under the url namespace. Unlike variables under other namespaces, these params are not url encoded when inserting into the template. If variable values need to be url encoded going to the ad provider, they will need to be double url encoded on the entry point url.

URL variables are identified as: {{url.*}}

URL variables are added to the VMAP urls using custom integration as follows:

  1. Add {{url.*}} macro variables to the ad tag for a specific server-side ad config. For example:{{}}&bar={{}}
  2. Configure a player with the SSAI plugin and the ad configuration containing the ad tag with macros.
  3. Pass a vmapURLParams options object to the SSAI plugin containing the variable names and values to replace:
    "options": {
      "vmapURLParams": {
        "foo": 123,
        "bar": "test"
  4. Brightcove player with SSAI plugin (v2.4.6+) calls to retrieve the VMAP URL from Playback API and then automatically appends the values of the variables before sending the request.

Metadata variables

Metadata variables are those that describe the content video, derived from both Video Cloud and Dynamic Delivery data sources. The values (except for ad_keys) are URL encoded before being inserted into the URL templates.

Metadata variables are identified as: {{metadata.*}}

Field Description

Free form text string that can be added and edited in the Video Cloud Studio Media module using one of the two fields below, depending on your ad response type

  • Non Vast 3.0 - “Ad Keys” video field
  • Vast 3.0 - The “Ad Keys” video field is concatenated with the “Key/Value Pairs” field on the video cue points. To learn how to work with cue points, see the working with cue points in the Media module document.
custom_fields.{field_name} Video Cloud custom fields
long_description Video Cloud long description
name Video Cloud video name
reference_id Video Cloud reference id
tags Comma separated list of the Video Cloud tags for the video
title.duration Duration of the content in seconds Dynamic Delivery title id Dynamic Delivery title name
video_id Video Cloud video id
Other Video Cloud key/value pairs would be here as well

Brightcove Ad Monetization

At minimum, a Brightcove Ad Monetization ad config using SpringServe will include the following macros when used with the Brightcove Web Player. For SDK and other implementations, values should be passed programmatically in-app instead of using the web player macros listed below.

Brightcove Ad Monetization
Description Ad Config Query Parameter Brightcove Web Player Always Available to SSAI system
Player Width w {{page.player.width}} Implementation Dependent
Player Height h {{page.player.height}} Implementation Dependent
Cachebuster Random number cb {{system.random_number_32}} Yes
Current page url {{page.document.referrer}} Implementation Dependent
User Agent ua {{system.user_agent}} Yes
GDPR Consent value gdpr_consent {{page.pageVariable.gdpr_consent}} See Privacy section below
Subject to GDPR gdpr {{page.pageVariable.gdpr}} See Privacy section below
Subject to US Privacy Regulations us_privacy {{page.pageVariable.us_privacy}} See Privacy section below
Subject to COPPA regulations coppa {{page.pageVariable.coppa}} See Privacy section below
Content Genre content_genre {{metadata.custom_fields.genre}} Brightcove Library dependent
Content Rating rating {{metadata.custom_fields.rating}} Brightcove Library dependent
Content Language language {{metadata.custom_fields.language}} Brightcove Library dependent
Content ID content_id {{metadata.video_id}} OR {{metadata.custom_fields.content_id}} Yes / Brightcove Library dependent
App Store URL app_store_url {{metadata.custom_fields.app_store_url}} Brightcove Library dependent
[Optional] Additional Custom Fields {{metadata.custom_fields.field_name}} Brightcove Library dependent

To add the privacy-related macros to your ad tag, your implementation needs to collect the data from users and pass them to the player or application at runtime. With a standard web player implementation, each variable is defined as a global JavaScript variable with the same name within the page or app, allowing the player to access them and send them to the ad server when it makes ad requests.

If the variables are named differently within your page or app, ensure that the relevant macro name (pageVariable.macro_name) is updated to match. For example, you could define each variable within a <script> tag at the top of your page like this:

var my_gdpr_variable = true;

The player will then be able to retrieve the gdpr value of true via {pageVariable.my_gdpr_variable} and pass it through to the SSAI system.

Entrypoint URL parameters

There are a handful of query parameters that can be added to the SSAI entry point URL (VMAP or manifest) in order to tweak some behaviors:

Parameter Description
?rule=sd-only Filters out any video rendition that has a height less than the threshold set in the Account Configuration
?rule=discos-enabled Enable Playback with Discontinuities in HLS & MultiPeriods in Dash. Takes precedence over discontinuities setting in Playback Config
?rule=discos-disabled Disable Playback with Discontinuities in HLS & MultiPeriods in Dash. Takes precedence over discontinuities setting in Playback Config

Configuration notes

  1. Preloading ads should not be done with SSAI. The reason for this is that if you preload the player will report an ad impression and probably the first quartile beacons before the video is played. This could lead to inaccurate ad analytics. If you configure SSAI in Studio, this will automatically be done, but if you happen to setup SSAI manually you need to be aware of this issue.
  2. If the web player is using SSAI, and one of your motivations for doing so is to work around ad blockers, you should use server-side beacons. Client-side beacons should not be used as they will be blocked.

Client-side macros

Use the page prefix when you want to use client-side ad macros. These macros enable you to use variables in the VMAP and server URLs. For ad macro details, see the Ad macros and the serverURL section of the Advertising with the IMA3 Plugin document.

Client-side macros are prefixed with: {{page.*}}

For example, to add the document.referrer and a pageVariable DOM window variable, you would prefix them with page in the ad template as follows:{{page.document.referrer}}/{{page.pageVariable.whateverIwant}}

The Playback API returns document.referrer and pageVariable.whateverIwant appended to the VMAP and SRC URLs. The Brightcove player then runs through its client-side macro replacement logic to replace the appropriate values, before sending the request:


Ad error beacons

VAST ad error beacons when using SSAI can be helpful for proactively finding and fixing problems with your ad workflow. For details, see the Ad Error Beacons with SSAI document.