Update Player Version

In this example, you enter your player and account information. Clicking the button will update the player version and display selected information about the player.


This sample uses the Player Management API to update your players' version. Players with version 5 cannot be edited using Video Cloud Studio.


App architecture

The high-level application logic for this app is as follows:

  1. Gather user data necessary to update the player version
  2. Build the JSON data structure to pass to the API for updating the player version
  3. On button click, perform AJAX call to update the player version
  4. On AJAX call success perform the following:
    • Inject JSON response data into HTML page
    • Call function to publish player
  5. Perform AJAX call to publish player
  6. On AJAX call success perform the following:
    • Inject JSON response data into HTML
    • Dynamically build HTML that displays selected player information and inject that into HTML page

Sample app

Source code

Find all the code associated with this sample in this GitHub repository.

Sample app

See the Pen Update Player Version by Yarianna Tineo (@yariannatineo_) on CodePen.

Using the CodePen

Here are some tips to effectively use the above CodePen:

  • Toggle the actual display of the player by clicking the Result button.
  • Click the HTML/CSS/JS buttons to display ONE of the code types.
  • Click Edit on CodePen in the upper right corner to fork this CodePen into your own account.
  • Find all the code associated with this sample in this GitHub repository.

Proxy code

In order to build your own version the sample app on this page, you must create and host your own proxy. (The proxies used by Brightcove Learning Services only accept requests from Brightcove domains.) A sample proxy, very similar to the one we use, but without the checks that block requests from non-Brightcove domains, can be found in this GitHub repository. You will also find basic instructions for using it there, and a more elaborate guide to building apps around the proxy in Using the REST APIs.