Primary fields
Field | Type | Default | Description |
id |
String | none | The video id |
account_id |
String | none | The id of the account |
created_at |
ISO 8601 date-time String | none | The date-time a video was added to the account; example: "2014-12-09T06:07:11.877Z" |
cue_points |
Array of cue_point Objects | empty array | Markers for midroll ad requests or some other action to be created via the player API |
custom_fields |
Object | Empty object | Map of custom field name:value pairs; only fields that have values are included |
description |
String | null | The short description of the video - 250 single-byte characters maximum |
duration |
Number | null | Length of the video in milliseconds |
economics |
Indicates whether ad requests are permitted for the video. Values: AD_SUPPORTED or FREE |
labels |
Array of strings | null | Array of labels assigned to the video |
link |
link Object | null | A related link |
long_description |
String | null | 5000 single-byte characters maximum |
name |
String | none | Video title - required field (256 single-byte characters maximum) |
poster |
String | null | Poster image URL |
poster_sources |
Array | [] | An array of objects corresponding to the posters for the video. Currently there is only one poster, and therefore one object. The object has a single property src whose value is the URL for the poster image. |
published_at |
ISO 8601 date-time String | none | The date-time a video was published; example: "2014-12-09T06:07:11.877Z" |
reference_id |
String | null | Any value that is unique within the account (150 single-byte characters maximum) |
sources |
Array | Empty Array | Array of video source Objects |
tags |
Array | Empty Array | Array of tags (strings) added to the video (128 single-byte characters per tag maximum) |
text_tracks |
Array of text_track Objects | Empty Array | Data for WebVTT captions associated with the video |
thumbnail |
String | null | The thumbnail image URL |
thumbnail_sources |
Array | [] | An array of objects corresponding to the thumbnails for the video. Currently there is only one thumbnail, and therefore one object. The object has a single property src whose value is the URL for the thumbnail image. |
updated_at |
ISO 8601 date-time String | none | The date-time a video was last modified;[1-2] example: "2015-01-13T17:45:21.977Z" |
variants |
Array | [] | An array of objects containing multilingual metadata for the videos |
transcripts |
Array of transcript Objects | Empty Array | Data for transcripts associated with video |
- [1-2] The modification may have been made by a user or the Video Cloud system
source Object
Field | Type | Default | Description |
asset_id |
String | none | The rendition id in Video Cloud |
app_name |
String | none | The RTMP address for RTMP streams |
avg_bitrate |
Integer | none | Average bitrate for the rendition |
codec |
String | none | The video codec |
container |
String | none | The video container type |
duration |
Integer | none | The duration in milliseconds |
key_systems |
Object | none | DRM specification Object - If this Object is defined, then its source is content protected |
size |
Integer | none | The size in bytes |
src |
String | none | The source URL |
stream_name |
String | none | The stream name for RTMP streams |
type |
String | none | Video MIME type that defines the communication protocol used - values:
width |
Integer | none | Pixel width of the rendition |
cue_point Object
Field | Type | Default | Description |
id |
String | none | The cue point id |
name |
String | null | Optional name for the cue point (128 single-byte characters maximum) |
type |
String | AD |
Values: AD or CODE |
time |
Number | none | Time of the cue point in seconds; example: 10.527 |
metadata |
String | null | Optional metadata string (512 single-byte characters maximum) |
force-stop |
Boolean | false |
Whether video is force-stopped at the cue point |
link Object
Field | Type | Default | Description |
text |
String | null | Display text for the link |
url |
String | null | URL for the link |
text_track Object
Field | Type | Default | Description |
src |
String (URL) | null | URL where the .vtt file resides |
srclang |
ISO-639-1 language code | null | Language for the captions |
label |
String | null | The label to be used in the player menu - it should be in the same language as the captions |
String | null |
How the track is meant to be used: |
mime_type |
Strings | null | The mime_type of the captions[9-1] |
default |
Boolean | false |
Setting this to true makes this the default captions file in the player menu |
- [9-1] Setting the mime_type is optional, but the captions should be UTF-8 encoded and have a mime_type of "text/vtt"
The key_systems object contains a list of objects, one for each DRM key name. If this object is defined, then its source is content protected.
Field | Type | Default | Description |
key name | Object | null | Name of the Object which specifies the DRM type – valid keys include: * FairPlay: * PlayReady: * Widevine: com.widevine.alpha |
FairPlay uses key_request_url and certificate_url others use license_url |
String | null | URL for where your DRM license or certificate resides |
Example 1:
Example 2:
each variant
contains a version of video metadata for a particular language.
Field | Type | Default | Description |
language |
String | none | The language for the variant in the form language-COUNTRY, such as ja-JA |
name |
String | none | The translated title |
description |
string | none | The translated description |
long_description |
string | none | The translated long_description |
custom_fields |
object | {} | A map of key-value pairs for custom fields |