OTT Syndication Templates

This topic contains templates used for OTT syndication, meant to be used as a reference and models for building custom templates.


The OTT Syndication API is primarly intended to help OTT app creators to provide datasets needed by OTT platforms for universal search, but it is a flexible system that can be used for other syndication purposes. The templates provided below can be used as models for building templates you need.


Below is a sample template for generating a Google sitemap in XML.

{%- comment -%}
Google Video Sitemap (XML)
{%- endcomment -%}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:video="">
{%- for asset in assets %}

  {%- if asset.images.size > 0 and asset.images[0].thumbnail %}
    {%- assign thumbnail = asset.images[0].thumbnail | xmlEscape %}
  {%- endif %}
  {%- assign title = asset.original_title | xmlEscape | truncate: 100 %}
  {%- if asset.textual.size > 0 and asset.textual[0].description %}
    {%- assign description = asset.textual[0].description | xmlEscape | truncate: 2048 %}
  {%- endif %}
  {%- comment %} Skip assets that don't have all required fields {%- endcomment %}
  {%- unless thumbnail and title and description and asset.asset_id and locator_prefix %}
    {%- continue %}
  {%- endunless %}
  {%- comment %} Use first valid filtered rights object {% endcomment %}
  {%- assign bestRight = nil %}
  {%- if asset.filtered_rights.size > 0 %}
      {%- assign bestRight = asset.filtered_rights[0] %}    
  {%- endif %} 
    <loc>{{- locator_prefix | xmlEscape}}/details/{{asset.asset_id}}</loc>
      <video:player_loc>{{locator_prefix | xmlEscape}}/player/{{asset.asset_id}}/stream</video:player_loc>
      {%- if asset.length_full %}
      <video:duration>{{asset.length_full | toSeconds}}</video:duration>
      {%- endif %}
      {%- if bestRight.end_date %}
      {%- endif %}        
      {%- comment %}Max of 32 tags{%- endcomment %}   
      {%- if asset.tags %} 
        {%- assign tagCount = 0 %}
        {%- for tag in asset.tags %}
      <video:tag>{{ | xmlEscape}}</video:tag>
          {%- assign tagCount = tagCount | plus: 1 %}
          {%- if tagCount > 31 %}{% break %}{% endif %}
        {%- endfor %} 
      {%- endif %}      
      {%- if bestRight.permitted_locations.size > 0 and bestRight.permitted_locations[0].name != "World" %}
        {%- assign permittedLocNames = bestRight.permitted_locations | map: "name" %}
      <video:restriction relationship="allow">{{permittedLocNames | join: " "}}</video:restriction>
      {%- elsif bestRight.denied_locations.size > 0 %}
        {%- assign deniedLocNames = bestRight.denied_locations | map: "name" %}
      <video:restriction relationship="deny">{{deniedLocNames | join: " "}}</video:restriction>
      {%- endif %}
      {%- if bestRight.type == "SVOD" %}
      {%- endif %}      
{%- endfor %}